New Moons represent beginnings & a fresh start. It's an opportunity to pause and set intentions for our dreams, goals, and wishes for the month. They're an opportunity to manifest what we'd like to see come to fruition and to commit to the actions, thoughts and behaviors necessary to get us there. 

Join Magdalena and Mary Ellen who will offer you a sacred space as you listen to your inner guidance and learn to work with lunar rhythms.

We will talk about the current state of the sky and how the moon may affect us at this moment in time. We will clear our energy, set intentions, and connect with ourselves & a community of like-minded people. 

During our time together there will be time for meditation, journaling, sharing, and setting intentions. We may also include some gentle movement, oracle card pull, visualization exercises, breathwork, and/or sound healing to help us get in touch with our body, emotions, and spirit.

monthly New Moon Circle

why join a moon circle

Select Tuesdays 6:00-7:30 PM
Dance with Me Studio, 175 Broadway

What you need to bring

Please bring a yoga mat and a notebook or journal as well as something to write with. If you don't have a yoga mat, we'll have a few extra.

If you'd like to lie down during the sound bath portion, you can also bring a blanket and pillow. If you'd rather not get down on the ground, that's okay too, we'll have chairs available for you to sit on. 
Moon Circles are an amazing place for gentle encouragement & accountability, energetic alignment, divine feminine expression, and intuitive guidance. It's a safe space to be yourself.

Our community is for you if you are craving a supportive group of like-minded people to heal, nourish, and grow with. We want to offer you support if you're craving a way to connect to your power and give you an opportunity open your minds and hearts.

Contact me if you're interested in signing up for our next circle.